Queen Rearing With Bryan Fisher
Person County Beekeepers Association is having an in person queen rearing class
Saturday, April 24 from 8:30 AM - 5 PM
Bryan Fisher, is a master beekeeper from Kannapolis, NC. He is a well respected breeder of queens and mentor to the beekeeping community throughout the state. This class will discuss the art of queen rearing and several methods for raising queens. Additionally, there will be a demonstration on grafting queens.
Cost is $45
Registration will be limited to 20 participants to ensure one on one attention
Advanced registration will be open to PCBA members until 4/6/21 after which it will be open to the public
What is included in this class?
Bryan Fisher's Queen Rearing Manual
Still have a question about this class?
Send us an email at personcountybeekeepers@gmail.com or text us at (919) 599-4790.